Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Caution Asian Driver Bumper Sticker

Check out these funny bumper stickers son. Funny and a little bit racist.

Click image to go directly to the stickers.

Caution - Asian Driver Bumper Stickers | Asian Driver iPhone Case 
- Damn Asians. Driving all slow in the fast lane, and merging into traffic without signaling.  These morons think we're in Vietnam where people still drive on dirt roads and where anyone who can afford a nice car has the right of way. Fuck all you pedestrians and all you peasants driving your bikes and old beat up cars.  We high class Asians are king. Bow down to us and move out the fucking way.


Caution - Redneck Driver Bumper Stickers 
- Fuck these rednecks. These racist fucks think they have the white of way. Driving in their old ass muscle cars with a bad exhaust, stinking up the entire fucking neighborhood.  What's worst is their fucking loud ass fucking motorcycles.  Waking up the entire city as the drive around looking for illegals. Driving around like they run the place. Cursing at everyone and telling them to go back to where they came from. These are the fucks that end up crashing into you because they're busy checking out Asian chicks crossing the streets.

These fucks are easy to spot.  They like to park next to elementary schools and pass out candies.   Their vans usually have curtains and shit. Watch out for these pedo-stache fucks.

 Caution - Hispanic Driver Bumper Stickers
- Damn illegals. Driving around with no insurance and rear ending everyone to get away from the INS. Driving around in their stolen vehicles. Watch out for Mother and Child scam too. They be crossing the street and the second you're not looking, they toss their kids right in front of you hoping to sue your ass for thousands of dollars. The father selling oranges on the corner is just a distraction.

If you own a nice car, be careful.  They are known to step on the brakes in the rain hoping you'll crash right into them.

Caution - G35 Driver
- And last but not least, the G35 Drivers. These fucking ricers need to calm the fuck down. Trying to race everyone and anyone who drives a nice car. And when they lose, they get all fucking mad like a little girl and start driving around looking for Hondas to race. These fuckers are easy to spot. These backward parking, clear corners sporting, scion roof ripping, fiberglass body-kits mother fuckers love to hang out at Hooters and talk about intakes and which bodykits look mad tyte yo.

Be very careful of these idiots. Most of them drive automatics and love to drift in the rain. Since they waste all their money on bodykits and lowering springs, they don't have money for full coverage or to get a four wheel alignment. So these fucks end up crashing all the fucking time. The scam they got going is to crash their car and then use the insurance money to buy mods.

Which is why the premium for this exact car is through the roof. Most of these peeps are overweight too. Go to the forums and see how many of them broke their seat brackets. LMAO!

Caution - Student Driver Bumper Stickers & iPhone Case


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