Wtf is this? Looks like the rims are too wide for the car. They call this the "aggressive look". Basically slapping on wheels too wide for the car and then slapping on smaller tires to make it work. Like a black guy putting on regular condoms or a fat bitch wearing a G string. It doesn't fit son!
Other than the wheels, this car aint that bad. Would I want to be seen driving around in this car, no. But it isn't as ugly as some of the G's I've seen.
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you are bat shit crazy.
Someone find and stab this low life faggot
who ever wrote this should burn. fucking dumbass.
Everyone has their own taste...who are you to judge them? I bet you drive a Pontiac Aztec or something equally shitty
Nothing wrong with this car at all. Eat shittttttttttt
no... just no... you must not know what rice is.
He said this car is a ricer only because of the stretch I wonder if they call you ricer if I put my size 11 foot up your ass and stretch your dumb fucking know what I'm going get an IT to look up your ip adress you retard
Many including myself would certainly agree that the vehicle posted is far from rice. It was done up just right, perfect drop, and rims. Clean look, nothing wrong. Some aren't a fan of stretch and that's fine, but with respect to proper stance with stretch that would be dead on. So therefore your blog is bias, and your "reviews" are fails.
The wheels might be a bit off but, seems like nothing about this car is rice. I wonder what the douche bag that's trying make fun of him drives. I bet it's a figging old Civic. Nothing against Civics but, the wheels on that car retail for much more than what the posting douche bag paid for his car. Glad I've no pics of my car online.
Run along in your civic you little pussy.
fuck eat shit dumb ass fucker..!
cock sucker.
What a waste of space on the Internet. This retard probably rolls around in 87 Ford escort with autozone plastic chrome 16s.
this guy's a fag
bahahahahaha whoever posted this blog is a fcuktard!!
seriously, go hate on someone else, you mommy-van driving ass-hat
Those "ricer" wheels probably cost more than the OP's entire car. You're clueless if you think that car is a ricer. Go find a Neon with a wing or a Civic with a fart can or something...not a luxury sports car with $4k wheels. Moron.
i love this blog infinittis sucks nissans rule
if rice = wheels and tires that cost more than the average civic itself then this is hella-rice.
nice car dude. whoever thinks its rice is just pissed they are too broke to do it themselves.
Saying, "Infinitis suck and Nissans rule!" is the exact same thing as saying, "Nissans suck and Nissans rule!"
Burn in hell you fucking retard
ROFL this blogger is a fool!
wtf,,,,, how the hell is this a ricer, jealousy is a b#$% when u drive a civic giigiigiigigiigigty
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