Nissan 350z and GT-R Tire Problems
UPDATE: A Class Action Suit Has Recently Been Filed Against Nissan For "Tire Feathering" and "Tire Roar" in the 2003 and 2004 Nissan 350z!
ATTENTION GT-R and INFINITI G-35 DRIVERS: We are receiving an increasing number of claims for premature tire wear issues. If this problem occurs with your vehicle, we may be able to help. E-mail us:
What is Tire Feathering?
Tire feathering occurs when the tread ribs actually scrape down the road. It's a common occurrence when the tire has a camber problem or needs toe-in or toe-out alignment. With the Nissan 350z, reports of extremely loud tire noise (sometimes identified as tire roar or howling) almost always accompany the tire feathering problem. Once the tire wear begins, so does the noise. The more miles accumulated, the louder the noise gets.

Tire feathering occurs when the tread ribs actually scrape down the road. It's a common occurrence when the tire has a camber problem or needs toe-in or toe-out alignment. With the Nissan 350z, reports of extremely loud tire noise (sometimes identified as tire roar or howling) almost always accompany the tire feathering problem. Once the tire wear begins, so does the noise. The more miles accumulated, the louder the noise gets.