Saturday, October 27, 2012

Who the Fuck is Mitt Romney?

Really? Is this the best the Republicans can come up with? A man who embezzled millions from several different companies and bankrupted at least 3 of them?

This is a man you want as President of the United States? A thief who diverted revenues into his own pockets? A business socialist who supported the bailouts? You really want this fucker to divert our tax revenue, and pay his war criminals with it?

This is the fucker you want? Republicans are stupid. How about you dumb asses do some actual research instead of just voting based on labels? The only thing dumber than a Republicans is a middle-class Republican. Yeah, lets vote to raise taxes on the Middle Class and give tax cuts to the wealthy.

What's the point of voting when we have idiots like these? You see them walking around with their "Fuck the 99% t-shirts". LOL, they make less than 60k a year, and they're wearing a "fuck the 99% t-shirts". Well, at least these inbreeds aren't crying about Obama's birth certificates this time.


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